Agronomy Articles




By Leo Hoiten, Agronomist, Lyons

I hope most growers in our trade area are finally starting to wrap up the spraying and spreading as the weather has allowed us to get back in those fields.  With the recent moisture we’ve had this summer it has been more of a challenge getting the crops looking how we want them to. The heat and humidity are finally in the air. This is a perfect time to be scouting and checking the crop as we get into reproductive stages in both corn and soybeans. The risk for disease pressure is increasing so be sure to ask about our fungicide options available at all agronomy locations. Fungicides can increase yield by preventing disease in the crop canopy and help make it through the heat and dry weather by providing plant health. Be sure to contact your local agronomist and we can get you taken care of.





By Damien Fuerst, Agronomist, Scotland

After a long weekend celebrating the 4th of July, it’s time to get back into the swing of things. The second cutting of alfalfa is under way, so talk to your local agronomist to scout for cutworms and weevils. Discuss with your agronomist insecticide options and possibly foliar feed options as well to help the third cutting. With the extra moisture this year discuss fertilizer options and fungicide options for corn as well. Hope you all had a good 4th and enjoy this warm weather that we will be having. Don’t forget bug spray!




Stress in the Field

By Clay Hespe, Agronomist, Tyndall

What a difference a year makes. I believe it was around this time last year that we got our first moisture event of over an inch. As we are getting a couple weeks out from the flooding, more fields are showing more stress and nutrient deficiencies. The big one is nitrogen loss from either denitrification from extended standing water or leaching. Potassium is also starting to show up in some areas. The potassium deficiency is due to the wet soils from poor root to soil contact and the vegetation growth is out pacing root development to feed the plant. We probably have a week or two to get side dress rigs into some fields. The best option may be 1-3 gallons of Coron with a quart of K-leaf that can be applied by ground or air. Every field will be different so talk with your local agronomist for your best option to help your corn crop through this stressful time. We need mother nature to give us 2-3 weeks of good growing conditions.


Agronomy Staff

Jeff Schmiesing
Agronomy Dept. Manager
Cell: 605-940-7665
Allen Johansen
Seed Lead
Cell: 605-661-4882

Andy Stapleton
Precision Ag Manager
Cell: 605-201-3130
Greg Bartmann
Marion Agronomist
Cell: 605-661-6993
Jeff Schaefer
Marion Agronomist
Cell: 605-661-3010
Leo Hoiten
Lyons Agronomist
Cell: 605-771-9881
Clay Hespe
Tyndall Agronomist
Cell: 605-421-1636
Cody Plamp
Dimock Agronomist
Cell: 605-999-2281
Chris Rutledge
Irene Agronomist
Cell: 605-660-4146
Brian Nelson
Salem Agronomist
Cell: 605-941-8852
Damien Fuerst
Scotland Agronomist
Cell: 605-660-6878
Ryan McGinnis
Dimock Agronomist
Cell: 605-999-4761