Agronomy Articles



Treated Soybeans

By Bryce Bakley, Agronomist, Irene

As planting has started for some people or is just around the corner for others, I wanted to mention the benefits of treating your beans versus planting non treated. When you treat your beans, you are helping them promote healthy root growth and it can help with your emerging stand. It can also help protect against certain disease such as SDS (sudden death syndrome). Another disease it can help with is SCN (soybean cyst nematode) which can go unnoticed for many years before you even know you have it. It can cause roughly $210,000 in revenue loss in a 3-year span to your soybean yields and $1.5 billion in revenue loss annually in the United States soybean yield.

You still have time to treat the beans you have ordered. Also, if you haven’t gotten your order in yet you do have time for that as well. We also have some great corn hybrids that we have or can get our hands on. Contact you local Central Farmers agronomist and they can get you what you need to make sure you have the best start to your spring that you can. Hope everyone has a great spring and good luck.




Soil Temperatures

By Leo Hoiten, Agronomist, Lyons

Spring is off to a great start for the 2024 planting season.  Hopefully everyone caught some rain over the last couple days. With the forecast showing cooler than average temperatures and cold soils keep in mind that soil should be 50 degrees and above to ensure proper germination. Planting in cool wet soils can lead to early season stress and poor stand establishment. 

As we move into warmer weather and planting takes full swing, remember there is still time to get any last-minute seed, fertilizer and chemical on the books for this year’s crop. Reach out to your local Central Farmers agronomist and they can get you taken care of this spring. Good luck to all the growers across our trade area and have a safe spring!





By Damien Fuerst, Agronomist, Scotland

With planting season right around the corner, I have had a lot of questions about when growers are going to start planting. Talk to your agronomist about soil temperatures. Although this week we have had some nice warm temperatures, late next week, nighttime temps will get down to thirty degrees. Watch the forecast.

As it is getting closer to time to plant, talk with your local agronomist to make your last-minute farm plan changes.  Plan ahead and give us a heads up so we can get out there and spread fertilizer, so the planters are not sitting and waiting.

Seed, Seed, Seed. We would like to start delivering seed as soon as you have room for it. If you have any last-minute seed needs let your agronomist know so we can get it here as soon as possible. We also can help if someone would like a test plot on their farm. Test plots are essential not only to us but also to the seed salesman so we know what can benefit the grower the best.


Agronomy Staff

Jeff Schmiesing
Agronomy Dept. Manager
Cell: 605-940-7665
Allen Johansen
Seed Lead
Cell: 605-661-4882

Andy Stapleton
Precision Ag Manager
Cell: 605-201-3130
Greg Bartmann
Marion Agronomist
Cell: 605-661-6993
Jeff Schaefer
Marion Agronomist
Cell: 605-661-3010
Leo Hoiten
Lyons Agronomist
Cell: 605-771-9881
Clay Hespe
Tyndall Agronomist
Cell: 605-421-1636
Cody Plamp
Dimock Agronomist
Cell: 605-999-2281
Chris Rutledge
Irene Agronomist
Cell: 605-660-4146
Brian Nelson
Salem Agronomist
Cell: 605-941-8852
Damien Fuerst
Scotland Agronomist
Cell: 605-660-6878